Blog post #2: Romeo and Juliet and Love
Question # 3: Romeo and Juliet both had many feelings when they found out each other's identities. I think they both were extremely surprised to find out that they were from rival families. I believe that Romeo was more surprised about this because he thought he was in love with Rosaline, but then he met Juliet. After he thought he was in love with Juliet, he figured out she was a Capulet. That is why I think Romeo was more surprised by this. I also Think Juliet was very surprised too. She also thought she liked someone which was Paris. But then she found Romeo. She thought she loved Romeo but then second-guessed it because she found out that Romeo was a Montague. Juliet is actually taking this better than Romeo because Romeo is still a little heart-broken about Rosaline. If this were to happen to me, I would not give up. Even though we would be in rival families I would find a way.
Question # 2: There are many concepts of love presented by the female characters in Romeo and Juliet. Juliet and Romeo have a good romantic love together, but also a forbidden love. For example, at the Capulet's party there was love at first sight with Juliet and Romeo. But at the same time there families are rivals. Also, there was a lack of love with Rosaline and Romeo. Even though Romeo thought that he loved Rosaline she promised that she would never love anyone so that is why there is a lack of love with them. Love and lack of love differ in many ways. Love is when you truly like someone all the time. Lack of love is sort of opposite. Lack of love is where there is no love. There are a lot of examples of love and lack of love in the book Romeo and Juliet.
Here are the definitions of some words that have to do with Romeo and Juliet:
Adversary: A person, group, or force that opposes or attacks; opponent; enemy; foe.
Disparagement: The act of disparaging. The definition of disparaging is, tending to belittle or bring reproach upon disparaging remarks.
Pernicious: Causing harm or ruin; ruinous; injurious; hurtful.
posterity: Succeeding or future generations collectively.
Propagate: to cause something to multiply by any process of natural reproduction from the parent stock.
For more definitions on these words go to:
Joshua - really good thoughts on the prompts. You did a good job organizing your blog in a clear way. I do have some suggestions for improvement that I'd like to see in your future posts: (1)Give your posts creative titles. (2) Elaborate on the responses and provide citations to support your thoughts (RACE METHOD). (3) Add more visuals and other features to enhance the appearance and show your depth of understanding.