That is what I think would of happened to Nurse, Lord Capulet, and Friar Lawrence at the end of the book.
Here is some vocabulary from Romeo and Juliet:
Apprehend: To grasp the meaning of; to understand; to perceive. Ex. Capulet and Montague apprehended that their children were dead.
Canopy: A covering, usually made of fabric, supported on poles or suspended above a bed, throne, or sacred object. Ex. Juliet's bed had a canopy hanging above it.
Contempt: The feeling which a person regards anything considered mean or vile.Ex. Romeo felt contempt when he killed Paris.
Disperse: To drive or send off in various directions; scatter. Ex. Tybalt and his friends dispersed after he killed Mercutio.
Inexorable: Unyielding; unalterable. Ex. Romeo and Juliet's love was inexorable throughout the book.
Inter: To place a dead body in a grave or tomb. Ex. Romeo interred Paris's body next to Juliet in the grave.
Penury: Extreme poverty; destitution. Ex. Nobody in Romeo and Juliet was penury.
Remnants: A remaining, usually small part. Ex. There are very little remnants of Romeo and Juliet's love.
Righteous: Characterized by uprightness or morality. Ex. Romeo had high righteousness throughout the book.
For more vocabulary definitions, go to: http://dictionary.reference.com/