At the end of the book, most of the main characters die except for three other main characters. Those three main characters that are left are, Friar Lawrence, Nurse, and Lord Capulet. Here are some of my opinions on what happened to them, or where they went at the end of the book.
At the end of the book, I think Nurse could have gone many places and done many things. But there is one thing that she probably would of done. I think that she would stay working for the capulets, but just as a maid or person that organizes things for the Capulets. I think that she would organize thinks for them because Mr. and Mrs. Capulet are not good at organizing things like marriages, parties, etc. Nurse could also be a really close friend with the capulets and live with them. That is what I think would of happened to Nurse at the end of the book.
Also another main character that is left behind at the end of the book is Friar Lawrence. I think that Friar Lawrence would be sent to jail for a couple years for secretly wedding Romeo and Juliet and for also being an accomplice with their plan for them to hide Manchua. Also he would be sent to jail because in the big picture, he sort of led to the death of Romeo and Juliet. When he gets out of jail, he will quit being a friar and become a worker for the Monotagues in memory of his close friend Romeo.
One last main characters from Romeo and Juliet is Lord Capulet. At the end of the book I think he would be the leader in ending the feud between the two families. After he does that, I believe that he would work as an assistant to Prince Escealus to maintain order in Verona and to stop any other feuding that goes on that may lead to death.
That is what I think would of happened to Nurse, Lord Capulet, and Friar Lawrence at the end of the book.
Here is some vocabulary from Romeo and Juliet:
Apprehend: To grasp the meaning of; to understand; to perceive. Ex. Capulet and Montague apprehended that their children were dead.
Canopy: A covering, usually made of fabric, supported on poles or suspended above a bed, throne, or sacred object. Ex. Juliet's bed had a canopy hanging above it.
Contempt: The feeling which a person regards anything considered mean or vile.Ex. Romeo felt contempt when he killed Paris.
Disperse: To drive or send off in various directions; scatter. Ex. Tybalt and his friends dispersed after he killed Mercutio.
Inexorable: Unyielding; unalterable. Ex. Romeo and Juliet's love was inexorable throughout the book.
Inter: To place a dead body in a grave or tomb. Ex. Romeo interred Paris's body next to Juliet in the grave.
Penury: Extreme poverty; destitution. Ex. Nobody in Romeo and Juliet was penury.
Remnants: A remaining, usually small part. Ex. There are very little remnants of Romeo and Juliet's love.
Righteous: Characterized by uprightness or morality. Ex. Romeo had high righteousness throughout the book.
For more vocabulary definitions, go to:
Good job with your ideas, Joshua. I would have liked you to support your opinions with quotes and parenthetical citation as the requirements of the post state. Also, make sure you are editing carefully. I think you did a great job with the vocabulary and putting the words in sentences! Oh - and I really like the poll you incorporated int he sidebar. Overall, good job!