Sunday, January 9, 2011

Blog Post #3:

     In act two, Romeo and his friends treat Nurse very badly. They mess with her and sort of harass her. I know that there are many reasons on why they did that. One main reason on why they did that is because they know Nurse is from the Capulet family. Because they are rivals of the Capulet's they don't like Nurse. Also I think they bullied Nurse because they know that she is close with Juliet so they were sort of teasing Romeo through that way. Romeo and his friends don't treat any other women in Verona like that. 

     I chose this picture because I think that Romeo and his friends are bullying Nurse. They would not treat any other woman like that. They treated Nurse very badly and hopefully they will never do that again.

For a character analysis of Nurse go here:

Here are some definitions of important words in Romeo and Juliet:

Chided- To express disapproval of; scold; reproach.

Confound- To perplex or amaze especially by a sudden disturbance or surprise; bewilder; confuse. 

Driveling- Childish, silly or meaningless talk or thinking; nonsense; twaddle.

Exposition- In a play, novel, it is a dialogue or description that gives the reader background of the characters and the present situation.

Idolatry- Excessive or blind adoration, reverence or devotion.

Lamentable- To be lamented; regrettable; unfortunate.

Perjuries- The willful giving of false testimony under oath.

For more definitions go to:

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to see you take your responses to the next level, Josh. You said you see them treat her badly, but how? Why? Why do you think they WOULDN'T treat other women that way. There are some inaccuracies, too, because Benvolio and Mercutio do not know that Romeo has been involved with Juliet, nor do they know that Nurse is a Capulet. Be careful with that! Also, do you think you could give your blog posts a creative title? I'll be looking for it on your next one!
