Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Juliet's diary

     Dear diary,
Right now you are my closest friend. Now that Romeo, my loved husband is banished I have lost all my hope in life and I don't know what the world is coming to. Romeo is not the real killer right now I think it is my own cousin Tybalt. He had killed Romeo's closest friend Mercuto. I am completely clueless at why Tybalt would kill Mercutio. He is in my own blood and he was my own cousin. Why would he do such a thing. At this moment, we should not be crying for Tybalt we should be crying for Romeo.

     Why was he banished? I would rather die then for Romeo to be banished. I will never love another man as bold, as kind, and as beautiful as he was. We got married. I can't get married to Paris because I am already married to my husband Romeo. Eventually I have to tell my parents, I can't keep are marriage a secret forever. How will my life go on?

     Maby some day Romeo will come back or we could meet in the middle some how. Also I just remembered that all of this is happening because of our families endless feud.If it weren't for that my life would be fine. As of right now, my life is coming to an end.

Never to live again,


1 comment:

  1. Good job, Joshua. I think you presented some valid concerns that Juliet would probably have. I would like for you to take it a step further and consider predicting her own actions. Also, be careful to edit! I know you were under the pressure of time, but it's still important to revise and check for errors!
